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Create your own list

First steps

NoteYou can ask the library to create the list for you, instead of following these instructions.

Is the reading tab visible to students?

From the Canvas site, check that the reading list tab is visible to students.

  1. Click on Settings at the bottom of the screen and go to the Navigation tab which appears along the top of the page.
  2. Drag and drop Reading List into the Canvas Menu and click Save.
  3. When it is in place, click on Reading List.

Create a list

  1. Click on Reading List in the Canvas menu. If the unit does not already have a reading list associated with it, you will see two options: Create a new list from scratch or Rollover an existing list. 
    The reading list tab is located under Home in the side bar navigation, inside a Canvas unit.
  2. Choose Create a new list from scratch.
  3. At the top of the window, you should see the unique course code for the unit and the name of the reading list.

    WarningIf there is no course code, no CRN, or the following error message appears, do not proceed. 
    Please email the library for help at

    Error message: Course not linked correctly, please email

  4. Add the Unit Code at the beginning of the Reading list title and click on Next.
  5. Select a template, either Weeks, Modules, Blank or Priority.
    • This will automatically create and label sections in the reading list. The blank template will require editing the name of each section. The priority template adds two sections, required readings and recommended readings. Extra sections can be manually added.
  6. You can edit the default number of sections if needed. Click on Create list.

NoteReading lists without dates are easier to roll-over and use in other units or teaching periods.

  1. Your reading list shell has been created! Continue on to Sections for further information on editing your reading list.