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Cite it!

The Cite It! bookmarklet is a fast and simple way to add external resources such as websites, online government documents and blogs to your reading list.

NoteWe do not recommend this method for academic papers or content within databases.

  1. Add the Cite It! bookmarklet to your internet browser by clicking the settings cog icon in the top-right corner of the Leganto page.
  2. Select Cite It!


  3. A pop-up window will open.

  4. Drag and drop the Cite it! icon to your browser. Note, for the tool to work, pop-ups need to be enabled in your browser settings. 

  5. When you locate the online resource, click the Cite It! bookmarklet in your browser bookmarks bar.

  • Edit or update any of the item details.
  • Choose whether to add to your List, Suggestions or Favourites.
  • Select Add.

  • You will get a message confirming that the resource has been added to your list.