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ACU Library guide to referencing in APA7 style

The Bible, Qur'an, Torah

Reference list

In APA7, religious texts and classical works are cited like any other book or webpage.


The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version. (2007). Harper Catholic Bibles.

The Holy Qur'an. (S.A. Maulawi, Trans.). (2011). Islam International Publications.

Tanakh. (2014). Sefaria.

Senior, D., Collins, J. J., & Getty, M.A. (Eds.). (2016). The Catholic study Bible (Rev. 3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.


The Holy Qu'ran (2011)

(The Holy Bible, 2007, Matthew 5:16)

(Senior et al., 2016, Romans 14:8-10)


  • For Bible references, refer to the book, chapter and verse in the in-text citation (e.g. John 1:5), rather than the page numbers.
  • Religious works are usually treated as having no author.  However, when a religious work has been annotated by an editor, the editor appears in the author position of the reference (for e.g., the Catholic study Bible reference above).
  • For translated works, include the translator's name in the reference.
  • When referring to the Bible generally in the text of your essay, do not use italics (e.g. New Revised Standard Version, Holy Bible).
  • More information on citing religious works is available on the APA Style Blog.

Vatican documents

Reference list

Church documents are cited like any other book or webpage.

Book example:

Francis. (2015). Ecclesia de Eucharistia. Encyclical on climate change & inequality: on care for our common home. Melville House.

Website examples:

John Paul II. (2003). Ecclesia de Eucharistia. Vatican.

Vatican II Council. (1965). Dei Verbum. Vatican. 

Catechism of the Catholic Church (2nd ed.). (1997).


(Francis, 2015) or Pope Francis (2015) declared …

"Through divine revelation, God chose to show forth and communicate Himself…" (Vatican Council II, 1965, para. 6).

In Dei Verbum (DV), the Second Vatican Council ….  (1965, para. 12).


  • For encyclicals, use the Pope's name as the author in the reference list, excluding the title "Pope".
  • If directly quoting a text found online, use paragraph number (para.) in place of page number, for example, (John Paul II, 2003, para. 3).
  • Below are some common abbreviations.  When you first use a term that you want to later abbreviate, present both the full version of the term and the abbreviation (e.g. Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)).
CCC Catechism of the Catholic Church
CS The Catholic School
CST Catholic Social Thought
CST Catholic Social Teaching
CT Catechesi Tradendae
DV Dei Verbum
GDC General Directory for Catechesis (1997)
RDE The Religious Dimension of education in a Catholic School
REF The Renewal of the Education of Faith