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ACU Library guide to referencing in APA7 style

Basic elements

Click on the elements below to learn about the basic requirements for referencing coursework resources in APA 7 style.

The basic elements and formatting of coursework resources (such as lecture recordings, powerpoint slides, and online modules) are:

Lecturer, A. A. (Year). Subject code, Title of lecture or slides [Description]. Site information. https://xxxxxxxxxxx

  • Provide the surname and initials of the content creator, lecturer or author as listed. This would often be the Lecturer in Charge for the unit.
  • If unsure, list the institution responsible (i.e. Australian Catholic University).
  • Enter the year of publication in brackets. End with a full stop.
Subject code, Title of lecture or slides
  • Enter the course code (e.g. HLSC111) followed by the title of the lecture, slides or module.
  • Format in italics.
  • In square brackets, describe the format of the item e.g. [Lecture Slides] [Module] or [PowerPoint slides]
  • Follow with a full stop
Site information
  • Detail where the information is located. Eg. SlideShare, ACU Canvas
  • Enter the web address (e.g.

Lecture recording

Reference list

Lecturer, A. A. (year). Subject code, Title of lecture [Lecture recording]. Site information. https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Mukasa, J. (2023). HLSC220, Mental health research ethics [Lecture recording]. ACU Canvas.


(Mukasa, 2023) or Mukasa (2023) spoke of ….


  • Provide information that is important for identification or location of the resource in square brackets after the title, for example, [Lecture recording].
  • For multiple authors, follow the guidance provided by APA for reference lists and in-text citations.


Reference list

Author, A. A. (year). Subject code, Title of module [Module]. Site information. https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Gunter, H., Corfee, F., & Coventry, A. (2022). BIOL334, Week 4 Cardiac drugs [Module]. ACU Canvas.

Duke, Z. (2024). UNCC100, Module 2b Ubuntu [Module]. ACU Canvas.


(Gunter et al., 2022) or Gunter et al. (2022) introduced …

(Duke, 2024) or Duke (2024) outlined ...


  • Provide information that is important for identification or location of the resource in square brackets after the title.
  • For multiple authors, follow the guidance provided by APA for reference lists and in-text citations.
  • When the author of the material in the module is unknown, move the title of the material to the author position of the reference.
  • Include page numbers (or paragraph numbers in the absence of page numbers) within in-text citations for direct quotes. When paraphrasing, page numbers are recommended but not required.

PowerPoint slides

Reference list

Author, A. A. (year). Subject code, Title of slides [PowerPoint slides]. Site information. https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Gurvich, J. (2024). EDFD140, Information processing as a model for explaining human learning [PowerPoint slides]. ACU Canvas.

Nigatu, T. (2009). Qualitative data analysis [PowerPoint slides]. Slideshare.


(Gurvich, 2024, slide 4) or Gurvich (2024)


  • Provide information that is important for identification or location of the resource in square brackets after the title, for example, [PowerPoint slides].
  • Use the slide number in-text to refer to a quote.