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ACU Library guide to referencing in APA7 style

Online video

Reference list

Person or organisation who posted the video. (Year, Month Day). Title of the video [Video]. Source. https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Genova, L. (2017, April). Lisa Genova: What can you do to prevent Alzheimer’s [Video]. TED Conferences.

Harvard University. (2019, August 28). Soft robotic gripper for jellyfish [Video]. YouTube.


(Genova, 2017) or Genova (2017) stated that …

(Harvard University, 2019) or Harvard University (2019)

If you are using a direct quotation, provide a time stamp for the beginning of the quotation in place of a page number.  For e.g. (Genova, 2017, 5:33).


  • Videos can be in more than one site, reference the one you accessed.
  • On some platforms the author is the person or organisation who posts the video rather than the presenter.
  • Use the description [Video] after the title of the work to describe an online video.
  • Copy and paste the complete URL to avoid transcription errors.
  • If the URL or DOI is very long, a functioning shortened URL can be used.
  • For multiple authors consult the guidance provided by APA for reference lists and in-text citations.
  • When using YouTube video, use the name of the account that uploaded the video as the author.
  • Provide the specific date on which the video was uploaded.
  • When the TED Talk comes from the TED's website, use the name of the speaker as the author.
  • When the Ted Talk is on YouTube, list the owner of the YouTube account (here, TED) as the author to aid in retrieval.

Episode of a TV show (via streaming service)

Reference list

Author, A. A. (Contribution). (Year, Month Day). Title of episode (Season, Episode) [TV series episode]. In B. B. Executive producer (Executive Producer),Title of programme. Publisher. https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Brockie, J. (Presenter). (2018). The exercise pill (Season 2018, Episode 21) [TV series episode]. In Insight. SBS.


(Mosely as cited in Brockie, 2018) or Michael Mosely (as cited in Brockie, 2018) observed …

If you are using a direct quotation, provide a time stamp for the beginning of the quotation in place of a page number.  For e.g. (Mosely as cited in Brockie, 2018, 8:33).


  • If you cannot find any of the elements of a citation leave them out and include what is available.
  • Use “as cited in” when you are quoting another person apart from the listed author or presenter.
  • Copy and paste the complete URL to avoid transcription errors.
  • If the URL or DOI is very long, a functioning shortened URL can be used.
  • For multiple authors, consult the guidance provided by APA for reference lists and in-text citations.

Film from a database

Reference list

Director / Producer, A. A. (Contribution). (Year). Title of video [Format]. Studio. https://xxxxxxxxxx

Weis, N. (Producer). (2015). Milk: The politics of infant feeding [Documentary]. Filmblanc.


(Weis, 2015) or Weis (2015) portrays the difficulty …


  • Place the major contributors in the author position and identify their contribution in brackets.
  • This (Contribution) description can be used for producers, directors or writers in the case of TV series.
  • Describe the type of film in square brackets after the title, for example, [Motion picture] [Short film] [Documentary].
  • Copy and paste the complete URL to avoid transcription errors.
  • If the URL or DOI is very long, a functioning shortened URL can be used.
  • For multiple authors consult the guidance provided by APA for reference lists and in-text citations.


Reference list


Host, H. H. (Host). (year of origin-year of ending/present). Title of podcast. [Audio podcast]. Production Company. https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Producer, P. P. (Executive Producer). (year of origin-year of ending/present). Title of podcast. [Audio podcast]. Production Company. https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Meraji, S. M., & Demby, G. (Hosts). (2016-present). Code switch [Audio podcast]. National Public Radio.

Podcast Episode

Host, H. H. (Host). (Year, Month Day). Title of episode (Episode number) [Audio podcast episode]. In Title of podcast. Publisher. https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Malcolm, L. (Host). (2018, May 20). Creativity and your brain [Audio podcast episode]. In All in the mind.ABC.


(Malcolm, 2018) or Malcolm (2018), claims that …


  • In brackets after the named person, identify their contribution, for example, (Speaker) (Host) (Executive Producer).
  • Use the phrase Audio podcast/Audio podcast episode in square brackets after the title.
  • Provide the full URL.
  • For multiple authors consult the guidance provided by APA for reference lists and in-text citations.