If the entire book has been written by the same author(s), then you reference the book, not its individual chapters (see books & ebooks). If you use three different chapters from the same book, it still counts as the one source in your reference list, the book.
If the book has been edited or compiled, and each chapter has its own author(s), then you need to cite each chapter you use from the edited book as a separate source in your reference list, using the format below.
Click on the elements below to learn about the basic requirements for referencing books and ebooks in APA 7 style.
The basic elements and formatting of book chapters are:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the book chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of the book: Subtitle (Xxx ed., pp. #-#). Publisher. https://doi.org/xxxx
Allen-Craig, S., & Carpenter, C. (2018). Outdoor education: Threaded pathways to belonging. In T. Gray, & D. Mitten (Eds.), The Palgrave international handbook of women and outdoor learning (pp. 55–74). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-53550-0_4
Poed, S. (2015). The Australian educational landscape. In A. F. Ashman (Ed.), Education for inclusion and diversity (5th ed., pp. 35–64). Pearson.
(Poed, 2015) or (Poed, 2015, pp. 36-38) or Poed (2015) states that …