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Chicago A: 18th edition

Guide to the 18th ed. of Chicago A (Notes and Bibliography)


First footnote

No Author Full Name, "Title or Description of Page," Website Name, updated/last modified/accessed Month Day, Year, URL.

1 Lucy Feagins, "The Inimitable Mirka Mora," The Design Files, last modified August, 28, 2018,

Subsequent footnotes

2 Feagins, "The Inimitable Mirka Mora."


Author Surname, First Name. "Title or Description of Page." Website Name. Updated/Last modified/Accessed Month Day, Year. URL.

Feagins, Lucy. "The Inimitable Mirka Mora." The Design Files. Last modified August 28, 2018.


  • Punctuation and formatting: Footnotes use commas to separate citation elements, while the bibliography uses periods. Footnotes have a first-line indent, and bibliography entries have a hanging indent.
  • Author/s: In the bibliography, the first author's name is inverted (surname first). This does not apply in footnotes. Use the author's full given name when available. Don't invert the names of authors whose cultural naming conventions place the family name first (as in many Asian, Hungarian, and other naming traditions). For multiple authors, check the author layout table.
  • If there is no author: Use the wider organisation or website as the corporate author in the bibliography. In the note leave out the author and begin with the page title.
  • Title: Use title case, except prepositions consisting of four or fewer letters (for example, as, of, the, in).
  • Date: If no date of publication or revision is available, add the accessed date, for example, accessed May 10, 2022. 
  • URL: Do not create shortened version of URLs via third party services such as TinyURL, Bitly or shortDOI.
  • Subsequent footnotes: Subsequent footnotes of the same source include only the author's surname, the article title, and the page number(s). Chicago discourages the use of "Ibid." when referring to a work in the immediately preceding footnote. In these instances, the article title can be excluded from the subsequent footnote.
  • For additional examples, see CMOS 14.104.

Blog post

First Footnote

No Author Full Name and Author Full Name, "Title of the post," Title of the Blog (blog), Month Day, Year, URL. 

1 Iva Polansky, “The Noon Girl: La Midinette," Victorian Paris (blog), June 1, 2018,

Subsequent Footnotes

4 Polansky, “The Noon Girl."


Author Last name, First name. "Title of the Post." Title of the Blog (blog). Month Day, Year. URL.

Polansky, Iva. “The Noon Girl: La Midinette." Victorian Paris (blog). June 1, 2018.


  • Blog posts are cited in a similar fashion to online news articles. 
  • Punctuation and formatting: Footnotes use commas to separate citation elements, while the bibliography uses periods. Footnotes have a first-line indent, and bibliography entries have a hanging indent.
  • Author/s: The first author's name is inverted (with surname first) for the bibliography but not for footnotes. However, names that follow Eastern order (surname first) rather than Western order (surname last) are not inverted in the bibliography. For multiple authors, check the author layout table.
  • Titles: Use title case, except prepositions consisting of four or fewer letters (for example, as, of, the, in). Include (blog) in brackets after the Blog Title. 
  • URL: Do not include shortened versions of URLs via third-party services such as TinyURL, Bitly or short DOI. 
  • Subsequent footnotes: Subsequent footnotes of the same source include only the author's surname, the article title, and the page number(s). Chicago discourages the use of "Ibid." when referring to a work in the immediately preceding footnote. In these instances, the article title can be excluded from the subsequent footnote.
  • For further examples, see CMOS 14.105.

Conference papers

First footnote

No Author Full Name, "Title of Paper: Subtitle," (paper presented at Conference Name, Location and Date of Conference), URL, Pinpoint.

1 Niclas Lindström and Lars Samuelsson, "Reason and Emotion: How Teachers Respond to Ethical Problems," (paper presented at 20th Annual International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece, 2018),, 4.

Subsequent footnotes

3 Lindström and Samuelsson, "Reason and Emotion," 7.


Author(s) Surname, First name. "Title of Paper: Subtitle." Paper presented at Name, Location and Date of Conference. URL.

Lindström, Niclas and Lars Samuelsson.  "Reason and Emotion: How Teachers Respond to Ethical Problems." Paper presented at 20th Annual International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece, 2018.


  • If the conference paper is published as part of an edited volume, treat it as a chapter in an edited book.
  • Punctuation and formatting: Footnotes use commas to separate citation elements, while the bibliography uses periods. Footnotes have a first-line indent, and bibliography entries have a hanging indent.
  • Author/s: The first author's name is inverted (with surname first) for the bibliography but not for footnotes. However, names that follow Eastern order (surname first) rather than Western order (surname last) are not inverted in the bibliography. For multiple authors, check the author layout table.
  • Paper titles: Use title case, except prepositions consisting of four or fewer letters (for example, as, of, the, in).  
  • Conference details: Write "Paper presented at" before including the Name and the Location of the Conference. Include the full conference date where available.  
  • URL: Do not include shortened versions of URLs via third-party services such as TinyURL or Bitly.

Online reports

First footnote

No Author, Title of the Report: Subtitle (Publisher, Year), URL, Pinpoint.

1 Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Closing the Gap: Prime Minister’s Report 2018 (Commonwealth of Australia, 2018),, 32.

Subsequent footnotes

4 Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Closing the Gap, 47.


Author. Title of the Report: Subtitle. Publisher, Year. https://xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Closing the Gap: Prime Minister’s Report 2018. Commonwealth of Australia, 2018.


  • Cite in a similar fashion to books but with a URL. 
  • Punctuation and formatting: Footnotes use commas to separate citation elements, while the bibliography uses periods. Footnotes have a first-line indent, and bibliography entries have a hanging indent.
  • Authors: The first author's name is inverted (with surname first) for the bibliography but not for footnotes. However, names that follow Eastern order (surname first) rather than Western order (surname last) are not inverted in the bibliography. For multiple authors, check the author layout table.
  • If there is no author: Use the wider organisation or website as the corporate author in the bibliography. In the note leave out the author and begin with the page title.
  • Title: Use title case, except prepositions consisting of four or fewer letters (for example, as, of, the, in).
  • URL: Do not create shortened version of URLs via third party services such as TinyURL, Bitly or shortDOI.
  • For further examples, see CMOS 14.117.

Social media content

In text example

On Twitter (now X), Conan O'Brien posted that "In honor of Earth Day, I’m recycling my tweets” (@ConanO'Brien April 23, 2015, 4:10 a.m. EDT). 

Footnote example

No Author Full Name (user handle), "Text from post, up to 280 characters," Social Media Platform type of post, Month Day, Year, URL. 

1 Pete Souza (@petesouza), “President Obama bids farewell to President Xi of China at the conclusion of the Nuclear Security Summit,” Instagram photo, April 1, 2016,

Subsequent Footnotes

4 Souza, “President Obama.”


Author Surname, First Name (user handle). "Title of post, or text from post up to 280 characters." Social Media Platform type of post, Month Day, Year. https://xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Souza, Pete (@petesouza). “President Obama bids farewell to President Xi of China at the conclusion of the Nuclear Security Summit."  Instagram photo, April 1, 2016.


  • Posts, photos and comments shared on social media are usually mentioned or cited in the text OR in a note, as per the examples below. 
  • They are often not listed in the bibliography. However, a bibliography entry may be required for some assessments (check with your lecturer).
  • Privately shared social media sources are cited like other forms of personal communication.
  • Punctuation and formatting: Footnotes use commas to separate citation elements, while the bibliography uses periods. Footnotes have a first-line indent, and bibliography entries have a hanging indent.
  • Author: Include the author's real name, or organisation name, plus their username (if different to their full name) on the social media platform.  If only the username is known, use this in place of the author’s name.
  • Title:  Include enough characters from the original post to identify it (up to 280 characters, including spaces, and retaining any emojis). 
  • Type of post: refers to the content type. For example, post, photo, video.


First footnote

No Organisation Name, Title of Document: Subtitle, cat. no. Catalogue or Record Number, Publication Date, URL, Pinpoint.

1 Australian Bureau of Statistics (hereafter ABS), Census of Population and Housing: Reflecting Australia - Stories from the Census, 2016, cat. no. 2071.0, March 27, 2018,, 24.

Subsequent footnotes

4 ABS, Census of Population and Housing, 13.


Organisation Name. Title of Document: Subtitle. Cat. no. Catalogue or Record Number. Publication Date. https://xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Australian Bureau of Statistics. Census of Population and Housing: Reflecting Australia - Stories from the Census, 2016. Cat. no. 2071.0. March 27, 2018.


  • Punctuation and formatting: Footnotes use commas to separate citation elements, while the bibliography uses periods. Footnotes have a first-line indent, and bibliography entries have a hanging indent.
  • Organisation Name: Acronyms for long organisational names can be used if the acronym is added in brackets after first use (see footnote example above).
  • URL: Do not create shortened version of URLs via third party services such as TinyURL, Bitly or shortDOI.
  • For more details on elements to include when citing different document types, see How to cite ABS sources.