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Chicago A: 18th edition

Guide to the 18th ed. of Chicago A (Notes and Bibliography)

Basic elements


Click on each of the elements below to learn more about footnoting journal articles in Chicago 18 style.

The basic elements and formatting of the footnote are:

Footnote number. Given Name(s) Surname and Given Name(s) Surname, “Title of Article,” Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Pinpoint, DOI link or Database Name or URL.

Footnote number

  • In your footnotes, the reference numbers can either be in superscript (without a full-stop), or full-sized followed by a period (for example, 1.).
  • The first line of each footnote is indented.


  • Authors are presented with their full given names and initials followed by surname.
  • Use the conjunction 'and' instead of the '&' symbol before the final author.

Title of Article

  • Use title case, where prepositions (e.g in, the, of) of less than 5 characters do not start with a capital letter.
  • Put a comma after the article title.
  • Surround with inverted commas " ".

Journal Title

  • Format in italics.
  • Use title case, where prepositions (e.g in, the, of) of less than 5 characters do not start with a capital letter.
  • Omit the initial 'The' from the start of journal titles.


  • The volume number, follows the journal title without punctuation in between.


  • The issue number follows the volume number, separated by a comma and preceded by "no."


  • Enter the year in brackets followed by a colon.


  • If you refer to a particular passage, list the relevant page number/s after a colon.

DOI link, database or URL

  • For articles consulted online, include a URL (preferably one based on a DOI).
  • Alternatively, list the name of the subscription database the article was sourced.


Click on the elements below to learn about the basic requirements for your bibliography in Chicago 18 style.

The basic elements and formatting of the bibliographic entry are:

Surname, Given Names(s) and Given Name(s) Surname. “Title of Article.” Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Page range. DOI link or Database Name or URL.


  • List authors full given names in the order they appear.
  • The first author's name is inverted with surname appearing first.
  • Use the conjunction 'and' instead of the '&' symbol before the final author.
  • End with a full stop.

Title of Article

  • Enter the article title followed by a full stop and surround with quotation marks.
  • Use title case, where prepositions (e.g in, the, of) of less than 5 characters do not start with a capital letter.
  • Title and subtitle are separated by a colon.

Journal Title

  • Enter in italics.
  • Use title case, where prepositions (e.g in, the, of) of less than 5 characters do not start with a capital letter.
  • Omit the initial 'The' from the start of journal titles.


  • The volume number, follows the journal title without any punctuation in between.


  • The issue number follows the volume number, separated by a comma and preceded by "no."


  • Enter the year in brackets followed by a colon.


  • Enter pages, for example, 150-71 or 31.
  • Do not use p. or pp. in front of the page number/s.

DOI link, database or URL

  • For articles consulted online, include a URL (preferably one based on a DOI).
  • Alternatively, list the name of the subscription database the article was sourced e.g. Jstor, or Project Muse.


  • Punctuation and formatting: Footnotes use commas between citation elements, while the bibliography uses full stops. Footnotes have a first-line indent, and the bibliography has a hanging indent.
  • Author/s: In the bibliography, the first author's name is inverted (surname first). Don't invert the names of authors whose cultural naming conventions place the family name first.
  • URL: For articles consulted online, include a URL (preferably one based on a DOI). Where the source is only available via a subscription database with a login, list the name of the database rather than a URL.
  • Subsequent footnotes: Subsequent footnotes of the same source include only the author's surname, the article title, and the page number(s). Chicago discourages the use of "Ibid." when referring to a work in the immediately preceding footnote. In these instances, the article title can be excluded from the subsequent footnote.

Articles with 1 author

First footnote

No Given Name(s) Surname, "Title of Article," Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Pinpoint, DOI link or Database Name or URL.


1 Linda Daley, “This Photograph, These People and the Invention of Australian Indigenous Art," Third Text 24, no. 6 (2010): 667,

2 Peter LaSalle, “Conundrum: A Story About Reading,” New England Review 38, no. 1 (2017): 95, Project MUSE.

Subsequent footnotes

3 Daley, "This Photograph,” 670.

4 Daley, 672.


Surname, Given Name(s). "Title of Article." Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Page range. DOI link or Database Name or URL.


Daley, Linda. “This Photograph, These People and the Invention of Australian Indigenous Art.” Third Text 24, no. 6 (2010): 665-79.

LaSalle, Peter. “Conundrum: A Story About Reading.” New England Review 38, no. 1 (2017): 95–109. Project MUSE.

Articles with 2 authors

First footnote

No Given name(s) Surname and Given Name (s) Surname, "Title of Article," Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Pinpoint, DOI link or Database Name or URL.


1 Anoop C. Choolayil and Laxmi Putran, "The Covid-19 Pandemic and Human Dignity: the Case of Migrant Labourers in India," Journal of Human Rights and Social Work 6 (2021): 234,

2 Daniel Varga and Svetlana Talis, “Byzantine Archaeological Remains in Beer Sheva, Israel,” Athens Journal of History 7, no. 3 (2021): 210,

Subsequent footnotes

3 Choolayil and Putran, "The Covid-19 Pandemic and Human Dignity,” 227-31.


Surname, Given Name(s) and Given Name(s) Surname. "Title of Article." Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Page range. DOI link or Database Name or URL.


Choolayil, Anoop C., and Laxmi Putran. "The Covid-19 Pandemic and Human Dignity: The Case of Migrant Labourers in India." Journal of Human Rights and Social Work 6 (2021): 225-36.

Varga, Daniel, and Svetlana Talis. "Byzantine Archaeological Remains in Beer Sheva, Israel." Athens Journal of History 7, no. 3 (2021): 203-216.

Articles with 3-6 authors

For articles with 3-6 authors, list all authors in bibliography citation. Only the first author followed by "et al.", is listed in the footnote entry.

First footnote

No First Author's Given Name(s) Surname et al., "Title of Article," Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Pinpoint, DOI link or Database Name or URL.


1 Rien M.J.P.A. Janssens et al., "Articulating the Concept of Palliative Care: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives." Journal of Palliative Care 15, no. 2 (1999): 40,

2 Jody Jessup-Anger et al., "Examining the Role of the Catholic Environment in Students' Search for Meaning," Journal of College Student Development 57, no. 5 (2016): 526,

Subsequent footnotes

3 Janssens et al., "Articulating the Concept of Palliative Care,” 40-42.


Surname, Given Name(s), Given Name(s) Surname, and Given Name(s) Surname. "Title of Article." Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Page range. DOI link or Database Name or URL.


Janssens, Rien M.J.P.A., Zbigniew Zylicz, and Henk A.M.J. Ten Have. "Articulating the Concept of Palliative Care: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives." Journal of Palliative Care 15, no. 2 (1999): 38-44.

Jessup-Anger, Jody, Jonathan C. Dooley, Rachel Leih, Elizabeth Mueller, and Kathleen Lis Dean. "Examining the Role of the Catholic Environment in Students' Search for Meaning." Journal of College Student Development 57, no. 5 (2016): 522-537.

Articles with 7+ authors

For articles with more than six authors, the first three authors followed by “et al.” are listed in the bibliography citation. List only the first author followed by "et al.", in the footnote entry.

First footnote

No Given Name(s) Surname et al., "Title of Article," Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Pinpoint, DOI link or Database Name or URL.


1 Yoav Vaknin et al., "Reconstructing Biblical Military Campaigns Using Geomagnetic Field Data," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, no. 44 (2022): 5, e2209117119,

Subsequent footnotes

3 Vaknin et al., "Reconstructing Biblical Military Campaigns,” 5-6.


Surname, Given Name(s), Given Name(s) Surname, Given Name(s) Surname, and Given Name(s) Surname. "Title of Article." Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Page range. DOI link or Database Name or URL.


Vaknin, Yoav, Ron Shaar, Oded Lipschits et al. "Reconstructing Biblical Military Campaigns Using Geomagnetic Field Data." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, no. 44 (2022): e2209117119.

Ahead of print articles

An 'ahead of print' article is a research article that has been published electronically before it appears in a printed journal issue and allocated a volume number and issue number.  These can also be called 'article in press', 'online first', 'early view', 'first published online' or 'advance article'.  They typically have been copy-edited, formatted and assigned a DOI.

First footnote

No Given name(s) Surname and Given Name (s) Surname, "Title of Article," Journal Title, ahead of print, Month Day, Year, DOI link or URL, pinpoint.


1 Antonio Montañés Jiménez, "Engaging with Social Media to Spread the Gospel in Pandemic Times: Gitanos, Christianity and the Digital World," Journal of Religion in Europe, ahead of print, December 3, 2024,, 1-2.

Subsequent footnotes

3 Jiménez, "Engaging with Social Media,” 2.


Surname, Given Name(s) and Given Name(s) Surname. "Title of Article." Journal Title, ahead of print, Month Day, Year. DOI link or URL.


Jiménez, Antonio Montañés. "Engaging with Social Media to Spread the Gospel in Pandemic Times: Gitanos, Christianity and the Digital World." Journal of Religion in Europe, ahead of print, December 3, 2024.


Forthcoming articles

Forthcoming articles are manuscripts published online that have typically completed peer review and been accepted for publication but are not yet copy-edited, or formatted by the publisher. They may also be called accepted manuscripts.

First Footnote

No Given name(s) Surname and Given Name (s) Surname, "Title of Article," Journal Title , accepted Month Day, Year, forthcoming, DOI or URL, pinpoint.


1 David Lewin, "Does a Religious Universalism Haunt Secular Religious Education?" Journal of Philosophy of Education, accepted December 5, 2024, forthcoming,, 3.

Subsequent footnote

3 Lewin, "Does a Religious Universalism,” 2.


Surname, Given Name(s) and Given Name(s) Surname. "Title of Article." Journal Title, accepted Month Day, Year, forthcoming. DOI or URL.


Lewin, David. "Does a Religious Universalism Haunt Secular Religious Education?" Journal of Philosophy of Education, accepted December 5, 2024, forthcoming.


Accepted articles (not yet online)

These manuscripts have typically completed peer review and been accepted for publication but are not yet copy-edited, formatted, located online, or otherwise prepared for publication. 

First Footnote

No Given name(s) Surname and Given Name (s) Surname, "Title of Article," Journal Title volume (forthcoming), pinpoint.


1 John R. Smith, "The Lord's Prayer in Early Anglo-Saxon Texts," Journal of Theological Studies 76 (forthcoming), 2-3.

Subsequent footnote

3 Smith, "The Lord's Prayer,” 2.


Surname, Given Name(s) and Given Name(s) Surname. "Title of Article." Journal Title volume, (forthcoming).


Smith, John R. "The Lord's Prayer in Early Anglo-Saxon Texts." Journal of Theological Studies 76 (forthcoming).