If the entire book has been written by the same author(s), then you reference the book, not its individual chapters. (For how to reference a book, see books & ebooks). If you use three different chapters from the same book, it still counts as the one source in your reference list, the book.
If the book has been edited or compiled, and each chapter has its own author(s), then you need to cite each chapter you use from the edited book as a separate source in your reference list, using the format below.
Click on the elements below to learn about the basic requirements for footnoting a chapter from an edited book in Chicago 18 style.
The basic elements and formatting for a chapter footnote are:
Number Chapter Author/s, “Chapter Title: Subtitle,” in Title of Book: Subtitle, ed. Editor(s) Full Names (Publisher, Year), Pinpoint.
Click on the elements below to learn about how to reference book chapters for your bibliography using Chicago 18 style.
The basic elements and formatting for the bibliographic entry are:
Chapter Author/s "Title of Book Chapter." In Title of Book: Subtitle, edited by Editor's Given Name(s) and Surname. Publisher, Year.
No Chapter Author's Given Name(s) Surname, "Chapter Title: Subtitle," in Title of Book: Subtitle, ed. Editor Full Name (Publisher, Year), Pinpoint.
1 Allon Vishkin et al., "Religion, Emotion Regulation, and Well-being," In Religion and Spirituality Across Cultures, ed. Chu Kim-Prieto (Springer, 2014), 246.
3 Vishkin et al., "Religion, Emotion Regulation, and Well-Being," 248
Chapter Author's Surname, Given Name(s) and Chapter Author's Given Name(s) Surname. "Chapter Title." In Title of Book. Edited by Editor Full Name. Publisher's Name, Year of Publication.
Vishkin, Allon, Yochanan Bigman, and Maya Tamir. "Religion, Emotion Regulation, and Well-being." In Religion and Spirituality Across Cultures. Edited by Chu Kim-Prieto. Springer, 2014.