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Chicago A: 18th edition

Guide to the 18th ed. of Chicago A (Notes and Bibliography)

Footnotes & Bibliography

Author layout: footnotes and bibliography

No. of Authors First Footnote Subsequent Footnote Bibliography

Given Name(s) Surname,

1 Terry Barret, Why Is That Art? (Oxford University Press, 2017), 40.

See CMOS 13.77 for further examples.

2 Barrett,  Why Is That Art?, 52.

Surname, Given Name(s).

Barrett, Terry.  Why Is That Art? Oxford University Press, 2017.


Word "and" between authors

2 Christina Rocha and Michelle Barker, Buddhism in Australia: Traditions in Change (Routledge, 2011), 103.

5 Rocha and Barker,  Buddhism in Australia, 151. 

Surname, Given Name(s), and Given Name(s) Surname.

Rocha, Christine, and Michelle Barker. Buddhism in Australia: Traditions in Change. Oxford University Press, 2015.

Three to six authors

First author followed by et al.,

4 John Esposito et al., World Religions Today (Oxford University Press, 2015), 522.

6 Esposito et al., World Religions Today, 545.

All authors are listed

Esposito, John, Darrell Fashing, and Todd Lewis. World Religions Today.  Oxford University Press, 2015.

7+ authors

First author followed by et al.,

5 Yoav Vaknin et al., "Reconstructing Biblical Military Campaigns using Geomagnetic Field Data," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, no. 44 (2022): 5,

 12 Vaknin et al., "Reconstructing Biblical Military Campaigns,” 5-6.

First 3 authors are listed then et al.

Vaknin, Yoav, Ron Shaar, Oded Lipschits et al. "Reconstructing Biblical Military Campaigns using Geomagnetic Field Data." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, no. 44 (2022): e2209117119.

Corporate Author 2 Museum Victoria, Treasures of the Museum, Victoria, Australia (Melbourne: The Museum, 2004), 62. 3 Museum Victoria, Treasures of the Museum, 78. Museum Victoria. Treasures of the Museum, Victoria, Australia. Melbourne: The Museum, 2004.


In footnotes:

  • Write the author's names in natural order (Given name(s) followed by Surname) as they are provided on the source itself.
  • For works with three or more authors, list only the fist author followed by "et al."

In the bibliography:

  • Invert the name of the first author, with surname first, for alphabetical sorting. 
  • Maintain the original naming order (that is, do not invert) the names of authors where the cultural naming convention places the family name first (as in many Asian, Hungarian and other naming traditions).
  • For works with more than six authors, list the first three authors followed by "et al."


  • No blank lines between footnote or bibliography entries.
  • Use single spacing.

For detailed guidance on handling multiple authors, see CMOS 13.78.

Secondary citations

The Chicago Manual of Style discourages the quoting of secondary sources, since authors are expected to have examined the works they cite. However, if this cannot be avoided, make sure to list both the secondary and the original source in the note. In the bibliography, list the secondary source (the source you consulted).


1. Astradur Eysteinsson, The Concept of Modernism (Cornell University Press, 1990), 6, quoted in Robin Walz, Modernism, 2nd ed. (Routledge, 2013), 42.

Subsequent Footnote

4. Astradur Eysteinsson, "The Concept of Modernism," 6.


Waltz, Robin. Modernism. 2nd ed. Routledge, 2013.


  •  For further information and examples, see CMOS 14.160.