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Chicago A: 17th edition

Guide to 17th ed. of Chicago A (Notes and Bibliography)



News database

Author Last name, First name. "Title of article." Title of newspaper, Month Day, Year. Database name.

Ferguson, John. "Apathy a Danger as Winter Moves In." The Australian, May 4, 2021. ProQuest Australia & New Zealand Newsstream.

News website

Author Last name, First name.  "Title of article." Title of newspaper, Month Day, Year. https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Sale, Anna. "How to Make Your Small Talk Big." New York Times, May 1, 2021.


… as stated in the paper.1

First footnote

1 John Ferguson, "Apathy a Danger as Winter Moves In," The Australian, May 4, 2021, ProQuest Australia & New Zealand Newsstream.

Subsequent footnotes

8 Ferguson, "Apathy a Danger as Winter Moves In." 


  • If the author's given name is provided, use the full name.
  • Words in the titles and subtitles are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.
  • If an article has no author, the title of the newspapers stands in place of the author.
  • If an online article has no suitable URL include the name of of the database.
  • The second line of the bibliography entry is indented.
  • The first line of the footnote entry is indented.
  • The first footnote includes all of the publication information.
  • The subsequent footnotes include only the author and the title.

Online video


Author or presenter Last name, First name. "Title of video." Filmed Month Year at Location. Type of video, duration mm:ss. https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Bouman, Katie. “How to Take a Picture of a Black Hole." Filmed November 2016 at TEDxBeaconStreet, Brookline, MA. TED video, 12:51.

National Geographic. "Hidden Tomb Reveals a Treasure Trove of Royal Remains." May 23, 2014. YouTube video, 2:54.


as shown in the video.3

First footnote

3 Katie Bouman, "How to Take a Picture of a Black Hole," filmed November 2016 at TEDxBeaconStreet, Brookline, MA., TED video, 12:51,

Subsequent footnote

9 Bouman, “How to Take a Picture of a Black Hole."


  • If the author or presenter's given name is provided, use the full name.
  • If no author is given provide the username or name of the organisation.
  • Words in the titles and subtitles are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.
  • Type of video might be YouTube video, video, or file type, for example, MPEG video.
  • Include the date and location of the recording, production, or performance.
  • For multiple authors/presenters check the author layout table for in-text and reference list format.

Streaming video (TV)


Director Last name, First name, dir. Title of program. Season X, episode X, "Title of Episode." Aired Month Day, Year, on TV station name. https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Hemingway, Anthony, dir. American Crime Story: The People v. O. J. Simpson, episode 6, “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia."  Aired March 8, 2016, on FX.


… as depicted in the video.1

First footnote

1 American Crime Story: The People v. O. J. Simpson, episode 6, “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia,” directed by Anthony Hemingway, aired March 8, 2016, on FX,

Subsequent footnotes

2 Hemingway, "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia."


  • If the director's given name is provided, use the full name.
  • Words in the titles and subtitles are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.
  • The second line of the bibliography entry is indented.
  • The first line of the footnote entry is indented.
  • The first footnote includes all of the publication information.
  • The subsequent footnotes include only the director and the title.
  • If you cannot find any of the elements of a citation, leave them out and include what is available.
  • For multiple authors/directors check the author layout table for in-text and reference list format.

Film from a database


Director Last name, First name, dir. Movie Title. Year of release. Production Company, Database name. Medium, duration, https://xxxxxxxxxxx.

Pike, Andrew, and Ann McGrath, dirs. Message From Mungo. 2014. Ronin Films. Kanopy. Online video, 1:10:00.


… as depicted in the film.1

First footnote

1 Message From Mungo, directed by Andrew Pike and Ann McGrath, (Ronin Films, 2014),

Subsequent footnotes

5 Message From Mungo.


  • If the director's given name is provided, use the full name.
  • Words in the titles and subtitles are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.
  • The second line of the bibliography entry is indented.
  • The first line of the footnote entry is indented.
  • The first footnote includes all of the publication information.
  • The subsequent footnotes include only the director and the title.
  • For multiple directors check the author layout table for in-text and reference list format.



Presenter Last Name, First Name. “Title of Episode." Month Day, Year. Podcast Name. Produced by Last Name, First Name. Podcast, MP3 audio, mm:ss. https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Jones, Ann. "The Banteng Paradox." January 9, 2021. Off Track. Produced by Moodie, Georgia. Podcast, MP3 audio, 25:01.


…as mentioned in Jones' podcast.1.

First footnote

1 Ann Jones, "The Banteng Paradox" in Off Track, produced by Georgia Moodie, podcast, MP3 audio, 25:01,

Subsequent footnotes

2 Jones, "The Banteng Paradox."


  • If the director/creator's given name is provided, use the full name.
  • Words in the titles and subtitles are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.
  • The second line of the bibliography entry is indented.
  • The first line of the footnote entry is indented.
  • The first footnote includes all of the publication information.
  • The subsequent footnotes include only the director and the title.
  • If you cannot find any of the elements of a citation, leave them out and include what is available. Alternative information to help identify the source may be substituted, for example, episode number if no posted date is available.
  • For multiple creators check the author layout table for in-text and reference list format.