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Chicago A (Notes & bibliography)

ACU Library guide to Chicago A: Notes and bibliography referencing style

With DOI


Surname, First name. "Title of Article." Journal Title Volume, Issue no. (Year): Page range.

Daley, Linda. “This Photograph, These People and the Invention of Australian Indigenous Art.” Third Text 24, no. 6 (2010): 665-79.


… it was argued by Daley.1

First footnote

1 Linda Daley, “This Photograph, These People and the Invention of Australian Indigenous Art," Third Text 24, no. 6 (2010): 667,

Subsequent footnotes

2 Daley, "This Photograph,” 670.


  • If the author's given name is provided, use the full name.
  • Words in the titles and subtitles are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.
  • Omit p. or pp. for page number/s.
  • The author is inverted for the bibliography but not for the footnotes.
  • The second line of the bibliography entry is indented.
  • The first line of the footnote entry is indented.
  • The first footnote includes all of the publication information.
  • Subsequent footnotes of the same source include only the author’s surname, the article title, and the page number(s).
  • Access dates are not usually required unless there is no date of publication.
  • For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and bibliography format.

Without DOI


Surname, First name. "Title of Article." Journal Title Volume, Issue no (Year): Page range. url.

Smith, Terry. "The State of Art History: Contemporary Art." Art Bulletin 92, no. 4 (2010): 366-83.


… it was argued by Smith.1

First Footnote

1 Terry Smith, "The State of Art History: Contemporary Art," Art Bulletin 92, no. 4 (2010): 369,

Subsequent Footnotes

2 Smith, " The State of Art History,"  381.


  • The first footnote contains all of the publication information.
  • Subsequent footnotes of the same source include only the author's surname, the journal article title, and the page number(s).
  • If there is no volume number, use the issue number only (for example, Art Monthly Australasia, no.301).
  • Words in the titles and subtitles are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.
  • Omit p. or pp. for page number/s.
  • The first footnote includes all of the publication information.
  • Subsequent footnotes of the same source include only the author’s surname, the book title, and the page number(s).
  • Access dates are not usually required unless there is no date of publication. 
  • For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and bibliography format.