The basic elements and formatting for the footnote are:
Footnote number. Given Name(s) Surname and Given Name(s) Surname, “Title of Article,” Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Pinpoint, DOI link or Database Name or URL.
Footnote number
- In your footnotes, the reference numbers can either be in superscript (without a full-stop), or full-sized followed by a period (for example, 1.).
- The first line of each footnote is indented.
- Authors are presented with their full given names and initials followed by surname.
- Use the conjunction 'and' instead of the '&' symbol before the final author.
Title of Article
- Article title is in headline case, where minor words (such as 'of', 'and') do not start with a capital letter.
- Put a comma after the article title.
- Surround with inverted commas " ".
Journal Title
- Format in italics.
- Journal title is in capitalised headline case, where minor words (such as 'of' and 'and') do not start with a capital letter.
- Omit the initial 'The' from the start of journal titles.
- The volume number, follows the journal title without punctuation in between.
- The issue number follows the volume number, separated by a comma and preceded by "no."
- Enter the year in brackets followed by a colon.
- If you refer to a particular passage, list the relevant page number/s after a colon.
DOI link, database or URL
- Include a web link to the DOI at the end of the reference.
- List the database name if accessed via a commercial database and there is no DOI.
- List the URL if freely available on the web and there is no DOI.