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Chicago A: 17th edition

Guide to 17th ed. of Chicago A (Notes and Bibliography)

The Bible, Qur'an, Torah

Footnotes are not required for sacred text references. Cite in-text using parentheses as per the examples below. See Abbreviations for shortened names of Books in the Bible used in in text citations.


(John 14:17, NRSV).

(2 Cor 11:30-12:2).

(Isa 1:8; 5:1– 7, 10; Jer 2:21).

(Qur'an 16:128).


If you are using an Annotated Bible or a Study Bible with added commentary, include the version of the Bible you are using in your bibliography. These are often cited as Chapters in Edited Books or Edited Books.  Standard Bibles that do not include additional commentary are not listed in the bibliography.


Frechette, Christopher. “The Pentateuch." In The Catholic Study Bible. 3rd ed., edited by Donald Senior, John J. Collins and Mary Ann Getty. 109-134. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Coogan, Michael D., ed. The New Oxford Annotated Bible : New Revised Standard Version with the Apocrypha. An Ecumenical Study Bible. Fully rev. 5th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. Ebook Central.


  • Footnotes are not required for sacred text references. 
  • Use the shortened name of biblical books in your in-text citations. See Abbreviations for biblical books.
  • Version information is not required after the first in-text citation unless you use multiple versions in your assignment (e.g. NRSV, NAB, NJB).
  • Page numbers are not required as the chapter and verse is sufficient information.
  • For additional advice on consulting with biblical material see The SBL Handbook of Style.

Vatican and Papal documents


Published as a print book or book chapter

Author. Title of Book. Location of publication: Publisher, year of publication.

Author. "Title of Chapter." In Title of Book, edited by Editor First Name, Surname, page numbers. Place of publication: Publisher, Date of Publication.

Vatican II Council. "Dei Verbum: Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation." In Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents, edited by A. Flannery, 750-765. Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 1975.

Found online

Author. "Title of Document." Description. Accessed Month Day, Year. http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Vatican II Council. "Dogmatic constitution on divine revelation: Dei verbum." Solemnly promulgated by His Holiness Pope Paul VI on November 18, 1965. Accessed September 5, 2018.


First footnote

1 Vatican II Council, Dei Verbum (hereafter DV), Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, par. 1, in Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents, ed. A. Flannery (Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 1975), 24.

Subsequent footnotes

4 DV, 25.


  • Author will be Vatican Council or Pope name (excluding the title 'Pope'), for example, Vatican II Council, John Paul II, Francis.
  • Latin words within titles can be formatted in italics.
  • If referring to the same Vatican council document more than once, subsequent references can use abbreviation. Put a (hereafter) note in the first footnote as per the example above.

Abbreviations for Vatican II documents

AA Apostolicam actuoisitatem (Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity)
AGD Ad gentes divinitus (Decree on the Church's Missionary Activity)
CD Christus Dominus (Decree on the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church)
DH Dignitatis humanae (Declaration on Religious Liberty)
DV Dei verbum (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation)
GE Gravissimum educationis (Decree on Christian Education)
GS Gaudium et spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World)
IM Inter mirifica (Decree on the Means of Social Communication)
LG Lumen gentium (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church)
NA Nostra aetate (Declaration on the Church's Relations with non-Christian Religions)
OE Orientalium ecclesiarum (Decree on the Catholic Oriental Churches)
OT Optatam totius (Decree on the Training of Priests)
PC Perfectae caritatis (Decree on the Up-to-date Renewal of Religious Life)
PO Presbyterorum ordinis (Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests)
SC Sacrosanctum concilium (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy)
UR Unitatis redintegratio (Decree on Ecumenism)

Abbreviations for Biblical Books

Books of the Bible

Old Testament # to Job

Abbreviation Biblical book name
1-2 Chron 1-2 Chronicles
1-2 Kgs 1-2 Kings
1-2 Sam 1-2 Samuel
Amos Amos
Dan Daniel
Deut Deuteronomy
Eccl (or Qoh) Ecclesiastes (Qohelet)
Esth Esther
Exod Exodus
Ezek Ezekiel
Ezra Ezra
Gen Genesis
Neh Nehemiah
Hab Habakkuk
Hag Haggai
Hos Hosea
Isa Isaiah
Jer Jeremiah
Job Job

Old Testament Joel to Zephaniah

Abbreviation Biblical book name
Joel Joel
Jon Jonah
Josh Joshua
Judg Judges
Lam Lamentations
Lev Leviticus
Mal Malachi
Mic Micah
Nah Nahum
Neh Nehemiah
Num Numbers
Obad Obadiah
Prov Proverbs
Ps(s) Psalm(s)
Ruth Ruth
Song, or Cant Song of Solomon, or Canticles
Zech Zechariah
Zeph Zephaniah

Deuterocanonical works and Septuagint

Abbreviation Biblical book name
1-2 Esd 1-2 Esdras
1-4 Macc 1-4 Maccabees
Add Dan Additions to Daniel
Add Esth Additions to Esther
Bar Baruch
Bel Bel and the Dragon
Ep Jer Epistle of Jeremiah
Jdth Judith
Pr Azar Prayer of Azariah
Pr Man Prayer of Manasseh
Sg Three Song of the Three Young Men
Sir Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)
Sus Susanna
Tob Tobit
Wis Wisdom of Solomon

New testament

Abbreviation Biblical book name
1-2 Cor 1-2 Corinthians
1-2 Pet 1-2 Peter
1-2 Thess 1-2 Thessalonians
1-2 Tim 1-2 Timothy
1-3 John 1-3 John
Acts Acts
Col Colossians
Eph Ephesians
Gal Galatians
Heb Hebrews
Jas James
John John
Jude Jude
Luke Luke
Mark Mark
Matt Matthew
Phil Philippians
Phlm Philemon
Rev Revelation
Rom Romans
Titus Titus