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Chicago A: 17th edition

Guide to 17th ed. of Chicago A (Notes and Bibliography)



Author’s last name, First name. “Title of Lecture.” Course Code: Course Name. Lecture at Location, Date.

Porter, Chris. “Introduction to the Prophets.” THBS204: Biblical Prophets. Lecture at the Australian Catholic University, August 18, 2018.


… it has been argued by Porter.1

First Footnote

1 Chris Porter, “Introduction to the Prophets.” THBS204: Biblical Prophets (lecture, Australian Catholic University, August 18, 2018).

Subsequent Footnotes

2 Porter, “Introduction to the Prophets.”


  • If the author's given name is provided, use the full name.
  • Words in the titles and subtitles are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.
  • The first footnote includes all of the lecture information.
  • Subsequent footnotes of the same source include only the lecturer's surname and the lecture title.
  • The second line of the bibliography entry is indented.
  • The first line of the footnote entry is indented.
  • For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and bibliography format.

PowerPoint slides


Author last name, First name. "Title of Lecture/Presentation." PowerPoint presentation, Unit Code: Unit Name, University, date. url.

Elmer, Ian. "New Testament Letters : The Pauline Corpus." PowerPoint presentation, THBS209: New Testament Letters, Australian Catholic University, February 14, 2024.


… it has been argued by Elmer.6

First Footnote

6 Ian Elmer, "New Testament Letters : The Pauline Corpus," THBS209: New Testament Letters, (PowerPoint presentation, Australian Catholic University, February 14, 2024)

Subsequent Footnote

7 Elmer, "New Testament Letters."


  • The information about the lecture is put in brackets for the footnotes, but not for the bibliography.
  • If the presentation is available online, include the URL.
  • The first footnote includes all of the lecture information.
  • Subsequent footnotes of the same source include only the lecturer's surname and the lecture title.
  • If the author's given name is provided, use the full name.
  • Words in the titles and subtitles are caplitalised, except articles and prepositions.
  • If the book is not a first edition, place the edition number after the title of the book, for example, Book Title. 2nd ed.
  • The author is inverted for the bibliography but not for the footnotes.
  • The second line of the bibliography entry is indented.
  • The first line of the footnote entry is indented.
  • For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and bibliography format.