Bate, Jonathan. "Shakespeare in Popular Culture." The British Academy, 27 Sep. 2024,
Semler, Liam E. "Should Taylor Swift be Taught Alongside Shakespeare? A Professor of Literature Says Yes." The Conversation, 16 Feb. 2024,
Bate (par. 2) …
… (Bate par. 2).
Author: If there is no author, or if the publisher and the author are the same, begin the entry with the title and only list the publisher. See Statistics example above.
Title: Surround the title of the webpage in inverted commas, and format the name of the website in italics. All words in the web page and web site title are in capitalised headline-style, except articles and prepositions.
Date: Abbreviate month names greater than four letters: Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.
URL: When including a URL remove the prefix http:// or https://.
Australian Curriculum, Version 9.0. Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2025,
Australian Curriculum …
… (Australian Curriculum).
Author: If there is no author, or if the publisher and the author are the same, begin the entry with the title and only list the publisher.
Title: Format the name of the website in italics. All words in the title are in capitalised headline-style, except articles and prepositions.
Date: Abbreviate month names greater than four letters: Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.
URL: When including a URL remove the prefix http:// or https://.
Bobis, Janette. "A Deep Dive into Mathematics Education Research in Search of Significance." MERGA 46: Surfing the Waves of Mathematics Education, Griffith University 30 June - 4 July 2024, edited by Jana Višňovská et al., The Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2024, pp.3-10.
Bobis (5) …
… (Bobis 6-7).
Author: For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and Works Cited list format.
Title: All words in the paper title and conference title in are capitalised headline case, except articles and prepositions.
Date: Abbreviate month names greater than four letters: Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.
URL: When including a URL remove the prefix http:// or https://.
Descriptor: For presentations at a conference, use a descriptor at the end of the citation. For example, Keynote address, Guest Lecture, Conference Presentation, Address, Lecture.
Report on Government Services 2024: Child Care, Education and Training (Part B). Australian Government Productivity Commission, 2024,
According to the Report on Government Services, …
… (Report on Government Services 6).
Author: Where the publisher and author are the same, begin the entry with the title and only list the publisher. Do not include 'The' before the name of any organisation in the Works Cited list.
Title: The title of the report is in italics. All words in the title and subtitle are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.
URL: When including a URL remove the prefix http:// or https://.
In text: If the reference starts with a title (rather than author), the in-text citation can be a shortened form of the title.
Household and Family Projections, Australia, 2021-2046. Australian Bureau of Statistics, 28 June 2024,
According to Household and Family Projections … (4).
… (Household and Family Projections 4).
Author: Where the publisher and author are the same, begin the entry with the title and only list the publisher.
Title: All words in the title are in capitalised headline-style, except articles and prepositions.
Catalogue Number: Exclude if not listed on the ABS website.
Date: Abbreviate month names greater than four letters: Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.
URL: When including a URL remove the prefix http:// or https://.
In text: If the reference starts with a title (rather than author), then the in-text citation can be a shortened form of the title.