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A guide to using MLA 9th referencing style


Works Cited

Surname, Given Name(s). "Title of Lecture." Title of Unit, Date of Lecture, Name of Institution.

Bryant, Mark. "Renaissance Literature." ENGL359, 28 Mar. 2018, Australian Catholic U.


Bryant states that …

… (Bryant).


Author: For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and Works Cited list format.

Title: Even though MLA titles are usually in italics, p.71 of the MLA handbook indicates that italics are not used for seminars, workshops, and courses. All words in the title and subtitle are in capitalised headline-style, except articles and prepositions.

Date: Abbreviate month names greater than four letters: Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.

PowerPoint slides

Works Cited

Lecturer's Surname, Given Name(s). "Title of PowerPoint Presentation." Title of Unit, Day Month Year, Name of Institution. Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

Cotton, Caroline. "Portrayals of Women 1." ENGL102 Australian Literature: An Introduction, 13 Mar. 2018, Australian Catholic U. Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.


Cotton states that … (slide 4).

… (Cotton).


Author: For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and Works Cited list format.

Title: Even though MLA titles are usually in italics, p.71 of the MLA handbook indicates that italics are not used for conferences, seminars, workshops, and courses. All words in the title and subtitle are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.

In text Citation: If the slide number of the PowerPoint presentation is known, include it in the in-text citation. Otherwise, only use the lecturer's surname in the in-text citation.