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ACU Library guide to MHRA referencing style.



  • The heading 'Bibliography' is placed at the top of the list of references.
  • Place the citation number in the in-text citation at the end of the sentence, and after the punctuation for example, … as was demonstrated.2
  • The second and subsequent lines of a reference have a hanging indent.
  • Do not use a full stop at the end of each reference.
  • Entries in the bibliography should be alphabetical by author surname.
  • If the list includes more than one work by the same author, a 2-em dash —— should be substituted for the name after the first appearance.
  • Successive entries for the same author are arranged by title.
  • If there is no named author, use the title, ignoring any articles (A, An or The).
  • Spell out the full name of a group author.

Tip: to create a 2-em dash in MS Word: press the [Alt] [Ctrl] [minus on number pad] keys simultaneously.



Curthoys, Ann, and John Docker, Is History Fiction?, 2nd edn (Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2010)

Chancey, Mark Alan, and Adam Porter, 'The Archaeology of Roman Palestine', Near Eastern Archaeology, 64.4 (2001), 164-203 <> [accessed 3 May 2022]

Kramer-Simpson, Elizabeth, 'Moving from Student to Professional: Industry Mentors and Academic Internship Coordinators Supporting Intern Learning in the Workplace', Journal of Technical Writing and Communication48.1 (2018), 81-103  <>

——'Feedback From Internship Mentors in Technical Communication Internships', Journal of Technical Writing and Communication48.3 (2018), 359-78 <>

Marion, Jean-Luc, The Visible and the Revealed: Jean-Luc Marion, trans. by Christina M. Gschwandtner and others (New York: Fordham University Press, 2008) ACLS Humanities eBook

Morris, Ian, and Walter Scheidel, eds, Dynamics of Ancient Empires: State Power From Assyria to Byzantium (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009)

Salleh, Anna, Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls?: Digital Handwriting Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Offer New Clues (ABC News, 2021) <> [accessed 15 February 2021]

Strobel, Karl, 'Central Anatolia', inThe Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology <> [accessed 5 April 2021]

Unwin, Timothy, 'The Fiction of Science, or the Science of Fiction', in Jules Verne: Narratives of Modernity, ed. by Edmund J. Smyth (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2005), pp. 46-59

Vauchez, Andre, and others, eds, Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages, 2 vols (Cambridge: James Clarke, 2000)

Wroe, Andrew, 'The Culture War: Is America Polarizing?', in Issues in American Politics: Polarized Politics in the Age of Obama, ed. by John Dumbrell (London: Routledge, 2013), pp. 63-97. EBSCOhost ebook