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ACU Library guide to MHRA referencing style.

Print book


Last name, First name, and First name Last name, Title of Book, edn (Location of publication: Publisher, Year of publication)

Curthoys, Ann, and John Docker, Is History Fiction?, 2nd edn (Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2010)


… as argued by Curthoys and Docker.1

… as demonstrated.1

First Footnote

Ann Curthoys and John Docker, Is History Fiction?, 2nd edn (Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2010), p. 67.

Subsequent Footnotes

5 Curthoys and Docker, p. 69. 


  • If the author's given name is provided, use the full name.
  • Words in the titles and subtitles are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.
  • If the book is not a first edition, place the edition number after the title of the book, for example, Book Title, 2nd edn.
  • The first author's name is reversed for the bibliography but names of collaborating authors or editors are not reversed.
  • The first footnote includes all of the publication information.
  • Subsequent footnotes of the same source include only the author’s surname and the page number(s).
  • A full stop should not be used at the end of a bibliography entry but should be used at the end of a footnote.
  • For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and bibliography format.

Edited book


Last name, First name, and First Name Last Name, eds, Title of Book, Edn (Location of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication)

Hamilton, Saskia, ed, The Letters of Robert Lowell (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005)


… as mentioned previously.4

… proposed by Hamilton.4

First Footnote

The Letters of Robert Lowell, ed. by Saskia Hamilton (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005), p. ix.

Subsequent Footnotes

5 Letters of Robert Lowell, p. 77.


  • If the editor's given name is provided, use the full name.
  • For collections and editions, the title comes first in the footnote not the editor.
  • Words in the titles and subtitles are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.
  • If the book is not a first edition, place the edition number after the title of the book, for example, Book Title, 2nd edn.
  • The first footnote includes all of the publication information.
  • Subsequent footnotes of the same source include only the author’s surname and the page number(s).
  • A full stop should not be used at the end of a bibliography entry but should be used at the end of a footnote.
  • For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and bibliography format.

Chapter in an edited book


Chapter Author's Surname, First name, 'Chapter Title', in Title of Book, ed. by First name Last name (Location of Publication: Publisher's Name, Year of Publication), pp. xx-xx

Unwin, Timothy, 'The Fiction of Science, or the Science of Fiction', in Jules Verne: Narratives of Modernity, ed. by Edmund J. Smyth (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2005), pp. 46-59


… this is stated by Unwin.2

… as demonstrated.2

First Footnote

2 Timothy Unwin, 'The Fiction of Science, or the Science of Fiction',  in Jules Verne: Narratives of Modernity, ed. by Edmund J. Smyth (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2005), pp. 46-59 (p. 50).

Subsequent Footnotes

4 Unwin, pp. 46-59 (p. 52).


  • If the author's given name is provided, use the full name.
  • Words in the titles and subtitles are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.
  • Chapter titles are placed in single inverted commas.
  • If the book is not the first edition, place the edition number after the title of the book, for example, Book Title, 2nd edn.
  • A full stop should not be used at the end of a bibliography entry but should be used at the end of a footnote.
  • The first author name is inverted for the bibliography but not for the footnotes.
  • Subsequent footnotes of the same source include only the author's surname and the page number(s).
  • For multiple authors, check the author layout table for in-text and Bibliography format.



Author Last name, First name, and Author First name Last name, Title of Book (Location of publication: Publisher, year of publication) Supplier/Platform/file ebook

Marion, Jean-Luc, The Visible and the Revealed: Jean-Luc Marion, trans. by Christina M. Gschwandtner and others (New York: Fordham University Press, 2008) ACLS Humanities ebook


… this is demonstrated by Marion.1

… as discussed.1

First Footnote 

1 Jean-Luc Marion, The Visible and the Revealed: Jean-Luc Marion, trans. by Christina M. Gschwandtner and others (New York: Fordham University Press, 2008), p. 49. ACLS Humanities ebook.

Subsequent Footnotes

3 Marion,  p. 51.


  • If the author's given name is provided, use the full name.
  • Words in the titles and subtitles are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.
  • Include the name of ebook platform/supplier.
  • Indicate type of digital file, for example, ebook.
  • If the book is not a first edition, place the edition number after the title of the book, for example, Book Title, 2nd edn.
  • The first author name is inverted for the bibliography but not for the footnotes.
  • The first footnote includes all of the publication information.
  • Subsequent footnotes of the same source include only the author’s surname and the page number(s).
  • For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and bibliography format.

Chapter in an edited ebook


Chapter Author's Last Name, First Name, 'Chapter Title', in Title of Book, ed. by First name Last name (Location of Publication: Publisher's Name, Year of Publication), pp. xx-xx. Supplier/Platform/file ebook

Wroe, Andrew, 'The Culture War: Is America Polarizing?', in Issues in American Politics: Polarized Politics in the Age of Obama, ed. by John Dumbrell (London: Routledge, 2013), pp. 63-97. EBSCOhost ebook


… this is demonstrated by Wroe.1

… as discussed.1

First Footnote

1 Andrew Wroe, 'The Culture War: Is America Polarizing?', in Issues in American Politics: Polarized Politics in the Age of Obama, ed. by John Dumbrell. (London: Routledge, 2013), pp. 63-97 (p. 89). EBSCOhost ebook.

Subsequent Footnotes

Wroe, p. 90.


  • If the author's given name is provided, use the full name.
  • Words in the titles and subtitles are capitalised, except articles and prepositions.
  • Include the name of ebook platform/supplier.
  • Indicate type of digital file, for example, ebook.
  • Chapter titles are placed in single inverted commas.
  • If the book is not the first edition, place the edition number after the title of the book, for example, Book Title, 2nd edn.
  • A full stop should not be used at the end of a bibliography entry but should be used at the end of a footnote.
  • The first author name is inverted for the bibliography but not for the footnotes.
  • Subsequent footnotes of the same source include only the author's surname and the page number(s).
  • For multiple authors, check the author layout table for in-text and Bibliography format

Encyclopedias & dictionaries


Author's surname, first name, Title, X vol(s) (Location of Publication: Name of Publisher, Year of Publication) <doi or URL>

Ages, 2 vols (Cambridge: James Clarke, 2000)

Strobel, Karl, 'Central Anatolia', inThe Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology <> [accessed 5 April 2021]


… according to Vauchez.1 

… as explained.3

First Footnote

1 Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages, ed. by Andre Vauchez, Michael Lapidge, Richard Barrie Dobson and others, 2 vols (Cambridge: James Clarke, 2000), II, 109-22.

Karl Strobel, 'Central Anatolia', in TheOxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology <> [accessed 5 April 2022].


  • If there is no listed author, start the entry from the title.
  • If the reference work is online, add the DOI or the URL. For a URL, include the access date.
  • In a multi volume work, include the volume number in small capital roman numerals in footnote.
  • Omit 'p.' or 'pp.' when page numbers follow directly after volume number.
  • For multiple authors, check the author layout table for in-text and Bibliography format.