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Uni Step-Up

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General reference

Dictionaries and encyclopedias

Dictionaries and encyclopedias are a great starting place for a topic overview or definition. These resources have a wide range of key information, expressed in an easy to understand format.

Study skills eresources

Subject-specific library guides

Library guides are subject-specific guides containing lists of resources created by librarians to assist students with their study and assessment needs. They include links to online resources such as books, articles, databases, websites as well as any other resources librarians feel might be useful.

Video databases (general)


What is referencing?

Every source of information or idea that is not your own must be acknowledged in your writing. Referencing or citing the information is a way to acknowledge the original authors of the sources you have used. This includes all material created by others such as written works, visual images, ideas and music. Properly referencing sources that you've used in your assignments, in the style required by your lecturer, is an essential part of university writing and necessary for academic integrity.

Why reference?

It is important to reference because:

  • it provides evidence to support your argument
  • it allows the reader to locate and verify the sources you have referred to
  • it protects you from accusations of plagiarism
  • it demonstrates your wide reading and research.

Make sure you get 'easy marks' by referencing correctly!

Credit to: University of Newcastle, Library Guides. (2022, September 16). Enabling Pathways Library Guide: Why reference?

How to reference

The Library's APA 7 referencing pages show you how to reference at ACU using the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition style. There are lots of examples of references and how to use them in your assignments: 

Some Business units require you to use the Harvard Referencing Style. Please make sure you use the ACU Harvard referencing style guide, as it does vary.