EndNote automatically includes thousands of referencing styles but you can add new and customised styles as required.
Titles appear in the bibliography either as they appear in the reference or as the Output Style formats them. For the Sentence style required for APA 7:
For authors with the same surname but different initials, APA 7 in-text citations show the author's initials.
To change the output style to initials only for primary authors:
For more information on editing styles, take a look at the Clarivate Style Editing Guide.
EndNote provides some additional fields for you to organise, annotate or add your own synopsis for any reference. These fields will not appear in your bibliography unless you choose an annotated style, yet they are searchable using the Search panel.
You can add Labels to organize by headings, categories, chapters, research project codes, or the Author's ORCID ID.
To edit the Label field individually:
To edit the Label fields for a whole Group of references:
Research notes are useful for adding your own synopsis for an annotated bibliography or paragraphs for your paper.
Tip: The Notes Field can also be used to add your own notes, but because this field often downloads with content, we suggest the Research Notes field instead.
Referencing styles can require you to use the journal's full title or the abbreviation. EndNote can substitute either the title or abbreviation depending on the output style you are using.
There are 2 ways that you can add journal titles to your Library.
To add or edit a Journal Term list:
Visit EndNote 21/20: Generate full or abbreviated journal names for comprehensive instructions on Term Lists.
Many referencing styles require journal names to be in title case. If your EndNote library contains the name of a journal in sentence case, editing the record in EndNote will not stop the journal appearing incorrectly in your Word document. You will need to edit the Journals Term List before the journal name will display correctly in Word. To do this:
1. go to Library tab in EndNote > Open Term Lists
2. select Journal Terms List
3. highlight the journal name with incorrect capitalisation, then select Edit Term
4 edit the journal name, then select OK and Close.