To ensure that you receive credit for your scholarly publications, you need to create and maintain your researcher profile.
Researcher profiles and identifiers can be used to:
ORCID iD | ORCID is an open, non-profit and community-driven scheme. Researchers register and create their own profiles by adding publications and/or linking to other author identity profiles. ACU Library recommends that researchers register for an ORCID. |
Scopus Author Identifier | Created for you by Scopus if you have publications indexed in that database. Search for yourself in Scopus to locate your Scopus Author Identifier. |
ResearcherID | Assigns a unique ID number to each registered researcher. Researchers must create and maintain their own profile by adding details of their publications, via the Web of Science database. Recommended if you have publications in Web of Science. |
Google Scholar Citations Profile | Set up a profile via your Google account. A Google Scholar Profile will display a limited set of metrics as calculated by publications in Google Scholar. |
Watch What is ORCID? from ORCID (4:17 mins)
Contact your librarian team for assistance with creating an ORCID or Researcher ID, to review your Scopus ID, and to integrate your current identifiers with your ORCID ID.
The researcher profile information on our website has more details about creating your ORCID ID and other researcher profiles.