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Need help with referencing styles? Start with this helpful guide.

Image from a database

Reference list

Name of database. (year of publication).Title of image [image]. Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxxxxxx

UptoDate. (2018). High altitude categories [image]. Retrieved from

In-text (under image)

Figure X. Description of table or image. Retrieved from name of database. Copyright year by Database group.


Figure 1. High Altitude Effects

A person climbing a mountain


Figure 1. Ranking of altitudes based on effects on the body. Retrieved from UpToDate. 2018 by Wolters Kluwer Health.


…altitude sickness falls into three categories… (UpToDate, 2018)


  • Place the Figure X. and  a brief capitalised title above the image
  • Place the Figure X. in italics below the image and provide a brief, descriptive phrase.
  • Number the images consecutively throughout your document 
  • Use the home page of the database for the http://xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • For the database group use the publisher of the database , for example, Ebsco

Image from a website

Reference list

Artist/Creator, A. A. (date). Title of image [format]. Retrieved from URL

Ray, M. (1926). Kiki with African mask [photograph]. Retrieved from

In-text (under image)

Figure X. Title/Description. From Title of Website, Retrieved from URL. Copyright year by Copyright holder


Figure 1. Kiki with African Mask

A woman with eyes closed resting her head on a table holds a mask

Figure 1. Kiki with African mask. From National Gallery of Victoria, Retrieved from 1926 Man Ray Trust



  • A figure number and a brief capitalised title is placed above the image
  • Place the Figure X. in italics below the image provide a brief, descriptive phrase.
  • If the name if the photographer or artist is not provided, use the first few words of the title
  • The title of the publication is in italics in the reference list
  • The title of the website is in italics in the in-text citation
  • For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and reference list format

Image from a journal article

Reference list

See entry for journal articles

In-text (under image)

Figure 1. Reprinted from “Title of Article” by A. A. Author, Year, Journal Title, Volume(issue), p. page number. Copyright Year by Name of copyright holder.


Figure 1. Women Meet in the Tidal Zone During Ngawiya Maan 

A group of people stand on sand on the shore of an ocean


Figure 1. Reprinted from “Songlines, museology and contemporary Aboriginal art by P. Matt, 2018, Artlink, 38(2), p. 38. 2018 by Stella Stories.


  • A figure number and a brief capitalised title is placed above the image
  • Place the Figure X. in italics beneath the figure and provide a brief, descriptive phrase.
  • For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and reference list format