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Metrics for grant applications

How to find and use metrics to support a grant application


This guide will help you find and use metrics to support your grant application.

Research metrics vary over time and between disciplines, so it is best practice to:

  • put your claims into context (use metrics to support your narrative, not to drive it)
  • update data regularly
  • provide a source and retrieval date for your data, , for example, SciVal, Dec 2022
  • use one data source consistently
  • highlight your career progression and trajectory.

Before you start

  • Review your research profiles (ORCID and Scopus ID) to ensure they are complete and correct.
  • Read the relevant grant scheme guidelines to ensure your use of metrics meets funding body requirements.

Note that NHMRC does not support the use of the Journal Impact Factor in grant applications.

NHMRC Publication assessment in track record

ARC Funding Rules and Guidelines

What evidence do I need?

Find evidence of your research performance: steps to follow


Learn how track and measure your own metrics. Book a consultation or training session.

For a report on your research impact within and outside of academia, request an impact report. Note that a minimum two week time frame is required for completion of an individual impact report. Reports for groups are by negotiation.

Guide last reviewed March 2023.