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Legal research guide: home

Find legal databases, cases, resources and tutorials for general and subject specific law topics.

Case law

Databases and tutorials for case law in Australia.

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Legislative materials

Includes Bills Digests, EMs and law reform documents.

Go to legislative materials

United Kingdom and United States law

How to find cases and legislation.

Go to UK and US law


Where to find Australian legislation.

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Human rights law

Australian and international.


Go to human rights law


Databases for criminology.

Go to criminology

Secondary sources

Databases, encyclopedias and dictionaries.

Go to secondary sources

International and foreign law

International courts and individual countries.

Go to international and foreign law

Areas of law


  • business, company, contract, competition, and consumer law
  • canon law
  • criminal law
  • migration law
  • property and land law
  • public law
  • torts law.

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