Large collection of multiple Australian research databases. Includes full text, indexes and abstracts to journals, books, conference proceedings and other research material. Includes A+ Education, Health Collection, Indigenous Collection, Australian Public Affairs Full Text, AGIS Plus Text, Literature & Culture Collection, Australian Criminology Database, Business Collection, Families & Society Collection, and more.
Large image based legal research database. Includes full text law journals, US statutory materials, US supreme court reports, and state and federal case law coverage.
Digital research platform containing Australian tax and accounting materials. Includes legislation, rulings, cases, commentary, practice aids and news. Titles are organised by practice area, for example, accounting, company law, family law, insurance law and workplace health and safety law.
Index and full text database of scholarly law journals. The collection is international in coverage and includes book reviews and case citations.
LSN is a component of the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). It includes papers and ejournals from law research centres and schools. Examples include the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property & Competition Law Research Paper Series, the Aust National University College of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series, Notre Dame Law School Legal Studies Research Paper Series, and the Harvard Law School, Public Law & Legal Theory Research Paper Series.
Full text materials in the field of international commercial arbitration. Includes conventions, legislation, rules, case law, and commentary.