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Tables and Graphs

Reference list


Author. (year). Title of document (cat. no. XXX). Retrieved from URL

Childhood Education and Care, Australia, June 2017 (cat. no. 4402.0). [table] Retrieved from


…as shown in Table 1, Children aged 0 – 11 attend care…

Table 1

Care attended last week 1996-2017.

Example of a line graph

Note. Reprinted from Childhood Education and Care, Australia, June 2017 (cat. no. 4402.0). retrieved from Copyright 2017 by ABS.

Format of caption

Note. Reprinted [adapted] from “Title of article,” by A. B. Author and C. D. Author, Year, Journal Title, Volume, page number. Copyright Year by "Name of copyright holder".
Note. Reprinted [adapted] from Title of book (p. xx), by E. F. Author, Year, Place of Publication: Publisher. Copyright Year by "Name of copyright holder".


  • The table should be reproduced in your paper exactly as it appears in another source: Same format or state, no reconfiguration or new analysis
  • In-Text reference should include the word Table with its number next to it
  • Give a title which describes the contents of the table
  • You must provide a caption, beneath the table: Include the word Note. before your citation
  • The information that should appear in the Note below the table must include the following: Reprinted from Title of Work, by Author. Retrieved from … Date of Copyright by Copyright Holder, this format differs from the reference list format
  • If the table is from a book or journal article the reference list entry is as it is for a book or journal article