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Need help with referencing styles? Start with this helpful guide.


Reference list

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of webpage. Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Bagley, M. (2017). Mount Vesuvius & Pompeii: Facts & History. Retrieved from

Australian Government. Department of Education and Training. (2018). Australian early development census (AEDC). Retrieved from


(Bagley, 2017) or Bagley (2017) argues…  

(Australian Government. Department of Education and Training [DEEWR], 2018)



  • If no individual author is identified, use the name of the organisation. Include the full name of the organisation for the first citation with the abbreviation or acronym, and use the acronym for subsequent citations
  • If directly quoting the text of a webpage, use paragraph number (para.) in place of page number.
  • If you cannot identify the date of a website, indicate "no date" by using n.d. instead.
  • Do not use the copyright date of the website as it does not represent the publication date of the particular content you are citing.
  • In APA style you do not need to include a retrieval date except when the sources are designed to change, for example, wikis.
  • For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and reference list format

Document from a Website

Reference List

Author, A. (Year). Title of document. Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxxx

Heart Foundation. (2010). Antioxidants in food, drinks and supplements for cardiovascular health. Retrieved from


The Heart Foundation. (2010)…. or  ….(Heart Foundation, 2010)


  • Documents from websites are cited differently than webpages
  • The title of the document is in italics
  • Use (n.d.) if no publishing date is available
  • If no author is stated, use the organisation that owns the website as the author



Reference list

Author. (year). Title of document (cat. no. XXX). Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2018). Childhood Education and Care, Australia, June 2017 (cat. no. 4402.0). Retrieved from


(Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2018)

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS, 2018) reported…

Subsequent citations: (ABS, 2018)



  • Acronyms for long organisational names can be used, if the acronym is added in brackets after first use (see in-text example above)
  • More details on elements to include when citing different document types at Citing ABS sources (ABS website)
  • For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and reference list format

Conference papers

Reference list

Author, A. A., Author, B. B. & Author, C. C. (Year, Month). Conference paper title. Paper presented at the Conference Title, Place, Country. Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Furtado, P. G., Hirashima, T., Hayashi, Y. & Maeda, K. (2017, December). Learning arithmetic word problem structure with a picture combination application in kindergarten. Paper presented at the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education, Christchurch, New Zealand. Retrieved from


(Furtado, Hirashima, Hayashi & Maeda, 2017) or Furtado, Hirashima, Hayashi and Maeda (2017) found…


  • Find month, place information on conference website for relevant year
  • Provide the full web address 
  • For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and reference list format

Clinical practice guidelines

Reference list

Author. (Year). Title of document (Report number if provided). Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Australian Government Department of Health. (2018). Clinical Practice Guidelines: Pregnancy care. Retrieved from$File/Pregnancy %20care%20guidelines%206June18.pdf


(Australian Government Department of Health, 2018) or The Australian Government Department of Health (2018) outlines…


  • Use the government department responsible for the publication or report as the author
  • Acronyms for long organisational names can be used, if the acronym is added in brackets after first use, , for example, 
    • First citation: (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA], 2018)
    • Subsequent citations: (NMBA, 2018)
  • For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and reference list format

Government or organisation reports

Reference list

Author. (year of publication). Title of document (Report number if provided). Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Commonwealth of Australia. (2018). Closing the Gap: Prime Minister’s Report 2018. Retrieved from


(Commonwealth of Australia, 2018).

The Commonwealth of Australia (2018) stated…


  • Use the government department responsible for the publication or report as the author.
  • For multiple authors check the author layout table for in-text and reference list format


Reference list

Standards organisation. (year of publication). Title of standard (Standard number). Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Standards Australia. (2010). Guide for Managing Risk in Not-for-Profit organisations (HB 266:2010). Retrieved from


(Standards Australia, 2010) or Standards Australia (2010) recommend that…


  • Shorten the URL to main website
  • Provide page numbers or paragraph numbers when doing a direct quote