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First Peoples' knowledges

This guide is designed to raise awareness and understanding of Indigenous Australian knowledge, cultures and histories.

What are Indigenous research methods?

"Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander research includes all research that impacts on or is of particular significance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including the planning, collection, analysis and dissemination of information or knowledge, in any format or medium, which is about, or may affect, Indigenous peoples, either collectively or individually."

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. (2020). AIATSIS Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ResearchAIATSIS Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research [PDF, 2,082KB]

Indigenous Research Methodologies encompass a range of approaches based on the values, traditions and knowledge systems of Indigenous peoples. They are unique to each Indigenous person and community of peoples based on where indigenous ways of doing, being and knowing are integral to the production of new knowledge.

Some examples of these methodologies are:

  • storytelling
  • personal reflection
  • visiting
  • sharing circles
  • ceremony (formal & informal)
  • art creation
  • dance.

Key principles of Indigenous methodologies

  • Empower indigenous peoples by recognising and confirming Indigenous intellectual and cultural contributions to research.
  • Aim to decolonise and reframe research.
  • Encourage critical thinking about the power dynamics and biases in Western research methodologies.
  • Have political integrity.
  • Privilege Indigenous voices.
  • Recognise and represent the diversity of cultures, voices and experiences.
  • Support the development of culturally relevant teaching practices that engage and empower Indigenous students.
  • Promote ethical research practices that respect and value the contributions of Indigenous communities.
  • Focus on matters of importance to Indigenous peoples.
  • Integrate cultural protocols, social mores and behaviours into methodology.

Researcher Perspectives - Indigenous Research

Permisson granted: Assoc. Lecturer Shellie Smith, University of Newcastle.