Authoritative medical information from over 5,400 journals in medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and pre-clinical sciences.
More databases for public health
Collection of encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri and other reference books as well as images, audio files, and videos. Topic Pages offer a starting point and pathways for further research. Includes The Macquarie Dictionary.
Official Australian statistics on a wide range of economic, social, population and environmental matters. Includes Australian census data. Updated weekdays at 11.30am.
A vast range of Australian collections from cultural, community and research organisations. Includes books, images, historic newspapers, maps, music, theses, diaries, archives and more. Provided by the National Library of Australia.
Find thousands of freely licensed (CC) digital books, artworks, photos and images of historical library materials and museum objects. Themes range from medical and social history to contemporary healthcare and biomedical science.
Access visually stunning, curriculum-aligned video content and teacher resources, plus contextual on-demand TV, your own video library and interactive question layers for formative assessment.